I suffered from dyslexia unknowingly all my life. Barely graduating high school with an “unknown learning disability” I was completely left traumatized. I later went on to enter my 3 older children in public school where they were also experiencing trauma of their own. Well 6 years ago I said enough and decided to homeschool my kids. Well that was more than difficult teaching dyslexic kids how to read so I hired it out to a specialized dyslexic tutor. I was getting the “friends and family discount” but still paying about $500/month for someone else to teach 2 of my kids how to read and they HATED it!
Enter TechnoTutor…
I purchased TechnoTutor over a year ago and not only am I teaching all 4 of my kids still at home but I’m re-learning how to read myself! No more embarrassing mistakes like mixing up dumb instead of dump and I’ve increased my reading speed and comprehension by a lot! My most profound dyslexic is my 9 year old. He went through specialized tutoring for 2 years and still couldn’t read even 2 letter words. Everyday was such a struggle and he would cry and hide when it was time for tutoring. Today a year later he no longer mixes up b, p, d, q, g or m and w and is having no difficulty reading 2 letter words! He doesn’t cry or hide when it’s time to work on TechnoTutor either because it’s not a painful process. It’s easy and is over in about 10 minutes vs the 50 minutes of tutoring.
I’ve also been working on other things such as selective mutism, anxiety, ADHD, even food allergies, menstrual issues and starting a new business! I don’t know how to simplify all that in a few paragraphs but to say this program and community of people have literally changed my life for the better!!! I’m forever grateful! Investing in myself (kids and hubby too) was the best money I’ve ever spent!!